MILLER, HELLWIG AS 5 O C1AtT ES + Consultants to Management « 16 July 1987 Ms. Judith Schwartz Director of Public Information The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avemie New York; New York 10021 Dear Ms, Schwartz: When I was talking with Ms, Mary Wagner this morning, she said that I would have to request the information I am seeking in writing before The Rockefel- ler University would respond. I hope this letter will meet your require- ments, A client of mine in Japan is planning an international conference next year in Tokyo on the theme of strategies in R&D management. The sponsoring or- ganization is preparing a short list of individuals to consider for giving the keynote address to this conference, I have suggested to them that Dr. Joshua Lederberg's name should be on this short list, and for that purpose, I am requesting a brief biographical statement on Dr. Lederberg and informa-~ tion about The Rockefeller University and its research programs, If it would be possible for you to send me this information promptly it would be of great help, For your information, I worked with Dr. Lederberg a mumber of years ago on an article on his management style in managing the staff at The University. cc: Mr. Hiroshi Goto 150 West End Avenue « New York, N.Y. 10025 « (212) 799-0471