a Memo from To: Lon Cc JOSHUA LEDERBERG OCT 6 1976 Notwithsatdning my objections at the innuendoes SCIENCES plans to publish Simring's letter, (and my correct response.) The editor, Ubell, wanted to have any reply by Friday, or at least a FIRM statement of how long it would be, and I felt I needed much more time to think through the issues. This is such an oblique forum, and no way of predicting who the 'judges' are, or the ground rules of the debate, that it does not seem to be the right place to air out the complexities of conflict-of-interest. I thought I had been leaning over backwards; but nothing short of supine will satisfy every critic. As it will refer to Cetus, I thought you would want to know how I had dealt with it; I just took it for granted you would not want to add anyything yourself, which would only add seeming substance to the assertion that Cetus was somehow involved in what was going on here.