$ DUMPIT,TMP73 WED 22*SEP=76 81124 Dates 22 SEP 1976 1011EDT Feons Joseph Welzenbaum (JOSEPH @ MIT#=MC) Tos Buchanan at SUMEX#AIM Message-ID: <2170,(MIT=MC] 09/22/76 102113352 As T now understand it, the Stanferd CS memo will consist of MeCarthy's, Lederberg's, and your review, You have invited me to submit my comments on any or all of these, So far so good? Now, since Josh's review is arevision of the one to which I originally responded == indeed, it seems to have been revised {m part as a result of those comments == my pesponse to the origninal is no longer appropriate, So that has te go, On the other hand, Joknm seems disitnelined to modify (I would say 'correct') his review, hence my response to him as recorded in STHART mo, 58 seems stil) appropriate, AS far as your review, Bruce, is concerned, I do not find it offensive (to say the very least) ard therefore don'tt feel camoelled by anger to resnond to it. Indeed, I find it sufficiently deep that I would not want to respond to it except after considerable thought and ima fairly carefully written way, I think, alasr I will mot find time for that, Perhaps then you had best go ahead with only the three reviews and my response to John's, Best JOC, P.8, Have vou seen Yorik Wilks! review for the BSIA? I also wrote a short response to it, If you were to publish hiss I would ask vou to preimt my response alo, If you send me your mafling address, I will send you his stuff and mine (the marginal comments on his document are, of couPse, mMine,) Joe kas decided not to add comments on your preview or mina to the CS memo, I suagest we just qo ahead then, OK? Bruce