cenenvaenenes CO nN AWE CRU AUE EN EFONSREETEN ERED ENeCE STORET ETE EEUETESeTRTCENESUETEENE apiting on. DUMPIT JLI7 O10). |, pee O,22-APRO7T6 L7ESSHS8,22-APRH7TH L755SHSGsLGONOVELSSS 168003003 Z2-APRo7H O8LU1s22— PET, 4818 ,000000000000. Mai? from MITOMC revd at 220APRa76 0841 ePST Dates 22 APR 1976 1134eE8T | Fromt JOSEPH at MITeMc Toa Lederberg at SUMEX@AIM Dear Joshual Dd em aware that nedther of us have the time te: engage in an. extended debate. aver the network, I hope therefore phat chis will be my Jaet message te you heaving to do with yaur N,Y,7, review = although I do hape that we wit have other cecasions to write to one anether, , Your leat message came to ma as I was about to Lee e Oe eee trip, All I had time dor then was to peapond with the eryntic note that yeu must heave gotten by now, Let ma now {11 that out @ Ifttie,. tk Let me say firat that I do not consider mysel? 9 Journalist whe {s commenting on aome field outside his normal. working community = noe did I think I was writing.a. book thet .was te serve as a9. sort of consensus ; document for computer selence or the AT branch. 0 t85. It there fe ; anything elear about the book, it must be that jt (a highly idfesyneratic (to a foultd)s shat {ft @resents fet how ‘ ngs are but .hew Joseph Welzenbeum perceives them,. Nevarthelesas t ttied to be carefy) to gee my facts straight, Part af my caretaking was: to place the manuseript of the entire. book on the MIT At machine and to jet .everyene knew that ft was there, . I did all the editing fn that mode, . I did in fact get lots. of jepmments from Stanford and certainiy from MIT many of wh teh prompted me to rewrite entire chapters, I gave Maryin Minaky @ copy of the M8 a full year betore: publ leattan and pressed him forp-gommentsa and ertticisms, (Many copies of the Ms, were efrculated ameng the MIT AI faculty and Graduate students at the same time and were widely commented on © with effects I might add.) Marvin suggested precisely ene, change which I peometly made, f asked for permission to: quate for virtually all the quotes thet appear in the book, , No-author wrote to me saving he. ne longer stands behind what { was quoting, IJ. wrote to Kem Colby especially but got fe response from him, . . . MeCarthy in hde: scathing eriticlems, of the beok (whieh 2 cheerfully receive and to. which I have and will respond) never asserts that I misrepresent anyone's position. | He does sav that he cannot, find the quote I attribute to him and that ie asserts what he did not belfeve {n- 1973. oF mow, Welle 2 paid bite rotten Mili abe tewing the tapefram which the quote wee taken, I challenged him with hia atatement: at the Stanford AI meeting in 1973 and he defended {t then, He ‘again defended {t (Winograd and. many others were pragent) on March 9th, 1976 at MelaTe 2 read the Colby quetes at the Stanford AI meeting with Ken Im the audience, He commented from the Yoor = but never to sey he no longer believed whet I quoted him as having written, Newell) was there ajso (2 ee wee | have the tare) and in a lengthy comment on what I had sald (I quoted the Simon remark on the "whole man") he ceitie(aed me only en the ground that Ll sauld net prove what the limits of the comnyter were = {see that it gould not simulate or account for the whole man, He did met say that Simon no longer held to whet he published fn 1969, . I believe (perhaps naively) that publishing something entails a PAGE 2 commitment that cannct be undone by private communigations, 3 ¢ind ne recantations of the quotes I have: used in the public Hiterature,. fe the Gontrarys the most recent lectures by Simon and Minsky (CAprei! and. and January igen at MIT respectively) reflect and assert the very positions I deseribe in the baok, Juste by the waye I wish you would ask Paul Apmer about the calm wnemotional,s, thouroyshty professional and sustained part I played in ¢he ABM debate, Finally, Jeshua, I did mot and de not "demand" anything from you, Nor de I eonsider your "20 year" remark a eritietam of my work that. I cannot "take", I consider it a atatiatical error that, once (t has been galled to your attention, you would want: to pepelr,. Ae ever: Noe