a : Sea seauw LB@APR=7G 17224250 0P87,3506;000000000000 Detet 18 APR 1976 1724=P8T From? LEDERBERG eat SUMEX=eAIM Subjece: Review ef your book Tas Joseph at MIT=MC Dear. Joet | Be OB oo YY guess thet wheat I get from your book is that vou tind it easier to diah (t out than to take very anal! critietana in kind, Oid yeu.g vp els se. the targets of your erit m the opportunity ta sorrect what may be m impressions of their views, that you would demand for yourself? Now believe me, there is @ let of what some of those zealots have to say that I belleve to be nonsenage no leas than: yous And had vou confined voursel? te substantive eriticlam, rather than adeheminem attacks I think . you Would have had @ more persuasive pook, I do ner see how you a confuse (even) Colby with Hitlers either in motivattan iwhich mey be less important) or in conceivable impact. a As to z0 years apo vae Mow! yes I Shink the. gealous optiaian. may gedit be there, put it {s obviove that you went out e¢ your way to find phetorical targets from the older writings rather than to: try to understand the current poaitions they would now espouse, Perhaps f am mistaken? but have: you: teken the trauble to ask MeCarthy of s{monor Newel | whether: they aceept. your: characterization of their pasition? Certain} 14 you hed» once again you would have had a book that leaned more on evidence. and less on potemic, _ You will note that 1 egreed wigh you thers clearer understanding | ef the actual capabilities and. Vimitations of computer methadology is indise Penseble to the seund use af these {matrumente. (Fire , too}. ttt am mot mintakens @ great many computer selentists (and me too) art{culated the same criticism of relying upen. the complex, and Inherent ly untestable softs were ef the ABM syatems; thouge there. were many ether and even more compe|= . ling feesons to oppose thelr adopt on, Agains you would: heave been an excellent person to have articulated these {ssuesy and I think you. faffed on account. ef the emotionaliam that so cbviousiy embraces: your th nking on. these matters at this time, {And I expect you to responds of course I am emotional when the Iivea of millione are at staked. It (aan: inter sting question Just how far undue retianee an computer deta management centributed te the moral and pelley faulte of the SEeAsian wart the date you give donit realty tell mueh about that, On the other sider I am sure you are: well owere w bitter the services were ebout the DOD!s pellcyranalvstecot tices and {ts fcomputer= whiaekide!l who seemed to be using these tools to frustrate thelr own. indivie dual defense=budget demands, | Why dente you write the book that is worthy ef your knowledge and. ins{ohts mow thet you have this one aut of your system, and: tackie the isaues 0? the actual uses and abuses of the machines, and not the silly straw men that you put up the first time, . | “Tam glad to have your net eddress: f started to. send you a. copy of the Peviews But did not have the notebook handys and thought (7% guess mis= tekenlv) thet the article would be im print very shortly thereafter, I heave not seen {t yet) perhaps they wonte even print it, _ There is ane phrase I would correct If I had the opportunity! yess SOME will be innocent vietima: on account of OTHERS! de flage ens (ne new storvii >} so J should have been: lees: condensed. {n: my: phe sing, Noone Ideperves! such consequences, not even the misguided, If there ts timer = | wil} correct thaty (4 nore and you ere intent of making a. point: of fe in print, please quote me a8 agreeing. | | Joshve sega ata thee yg . . Ee a en ee ee ome on 0 Oe ee a om on aD OD Oe oe a Om a OO BE WY we 2 * ,