we Aff January 9, 1975 Dr. Mathilde Solowey, Executive Secretary NIH Grants Peer Review Study Team ae Building 31, Room 4A35 . - National Institutes of Health i Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Dear Dr. Solowey, I am interested to learn of the hearing that will be held in San Prancisco on February 19th. During my service on the National Advisory Mental Health Council I was deeply interested in the workings of the peer review system and believed at that time that some useful reforms were possible within a framework that permitted the maximization of the advantages form this method of objective evaluation of research proposals. In addition, I have served at various times on a number of intermediate review groups and as an investigator 66rcourse have been the recipient of both good and sone- times very bad news at the hands of this same systen, For these reasons I would welcome an opportunity to have a place on your hearing schedule. Unfortunately, I will not be available until the mid-afternoon of February 19th but if you could find time for ne for sometime after 2:30 PM I would be happy to have an opportunity to speak, Please let me know what you expect by way of written matertal prior to that time. I have to say that an important ingredient to maintain the integrity of the peer review System is a properly constituted and staff~ supported council which, for many institutes, has the legislative mandate for the review process but whose ability to perform this function has varied considerably from time to time and from one institute to another in accordance with the criteria that have been used for appointing members to these councils. . - Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Chairman Department of Genetics Enclosure: c.v.