REPUBLIQUE DEPARTEMENT DU TRAVAIL, ET CANTON DE GENEVE DE L’HYGIENE ET DE L’ASSISTANCE PUBLIQUE Genéve, le 18.12. 56 POST TENEBRAS LVA INSTITUT D’HYGIENE QUAI DE L'ECOLE-DE-MEDECINE TELEPHONE 246273 Monsieur le professeur J.Lederbe:g University of Wisccnsin Dept. of Genetics MADISON 6, Wisconséngf Ne traiter qu’un seul objet par lettre Dear Dr Lederperg, Many apologies for answering so late to vour card of sept.27. Under separate cover, I send to you a few reprints, I believe you already have from Kellenberger. On L forms, the other papers do not have the same interest, for they were devoted to a bad experimental system. I joined to this sending a typed report to the foundation who allowed us to make this work, and was not piblished. The conclu- sions relative to the phenotypic pressure are erroneous, the data having not been clearly analysed at the time of this obligatory report. I hope to be able to see you in the States next year, were I will work for a time on APC viruses. I do not work with bacteria now, unfortunately. With best regards Dr .V.“onifas