PROGRAM IN HUMAN BIOLOGY AND SOCIETY Yeo | Lik iC ~ ‘oe ‘\ UNIVERSITY GF VIRGINIA School of Medicine Charlottesville 22901 Dr. Joshua Lederverg, ii.D. Department of Genetics The Kedical Se: ool Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94301 Dear Dr, Lederberg A year ago, after meeting you in Washington, I was brassy enough to write and ask you if you'd look over a book I am doing for Doubleday on the ethical issues posed by the new biology, especially gen- etics and new birth technologies. You said you would -- for which I am grateful. Now I've finished four chapters and wovld like to send them to you in xerog. It is the chanter "Some Facts" that I need your expert eye on especially, but if i an to ask you to write a brief introduction for it, however noncommittal as to the merits of the book, you ought to see all of it first. If your kindness is still running T'll ship the material off to you. I don't want it to be a nuisance or a burden. On the other hand I have a hunch that some it will please you, most of it interest you. But I don't want to be wrong in technical matters, If you reply Yes again, I'll get in the mail quickly. And the rest in a month or two. I won't say “happy"new year, but wish you a good ones leah EL eply to: Box 358 Medical Center 52 ‘Van Ness Road Belmont, Mass. 02178 od reo? ‘gan? La7d inerety . Hare qe Akan Lhe tener [ApeT, Crm. wade ue 6 Ppeee eee ee January 2, 1973 (/ t faSiomaslics | HS JF"fh baled Va.ig72 7