Memo from To: Dennis Flanagan JOSHUA LEDERBERG Scientific American ui 2 5 1973 re -- an article on the history of mol. biol. I have never felt otherwise’ than that a series of flukes has impeded what should have been a more intimate history of relationships. I could even say that some of those past failures ~~ ages ago -- challenged me to 'try harder’ in my efforts at publication about science in other media. Your position is entirely persuasive, and although I have some regret about a lost oppor- tunity to correct some of Stent's errors, I accept your invitation to write a separate ‘article. I cannot avoid intersecting some of the issues that Stent raised (about ‘premature discovery! rather than art vs. science) but will attempt to do this in a non-polemical £awkt fashion. Still, I trust you will permit me to mention that my formulation differs some- what from that in his previous article in SciAm. The longer compass of my piece will give the scope I would need for more careful expla- nation, and also for more attention to the his- torical antecedents of bacterial genetics as a twin to molecular biology. I am rather in- terested in the evident "postmaturity" of my own work, which by some view of the matter might have been done in 1905 as plausibly as in, 1945 -- and may speculate on the reasons therefo I hope to have a ms, in your hands by Sept. 1 1973. PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305