r 3) STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ยข (415) 321-1200 a STANFORD University ScHOOL oF MEDICINE Department of Genetics Professor Joshua Lederberg A P R 6 1973 Dear Mr. Flanagan I think the enclosed letter igs self-explanatory, and I hope you will accept the indicated arguments 48 sufficient reason to publish it. I realize it is rather long -~ and I might well have preferred a vehicle that encouraged even more explicit and detailed documentation, However, Gunther set the stage go beautifully, and will have misled so Many readers go skillfully, that it seemed that the Scientific American was the best Place to send these remarks, T hope its length has a compensation, the human and metascientific interest of its content. Sincerely, Lt. Joszpn p, KENnepy, JR. Lazoratorirs FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine