Hs YVONNE BRATHWAITE BURKE 371TH DistRIcT, CALIFORNIA Congress of the United States Bouse of Representatives Washington, B.C. 20515 March 22, 1973 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Josh: After having enough exposure to the practice of law over the past two years, I decided to accept Mrs. Burke's offer to serve as her Legislative Assistant. I have only been here about six weeks, but I am finding that I already need the assistance and expertise of people like yourself. The Public Health and Environmental Subcommittee of the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee is holding hearings on a bill (H.R. 5640) which would establish national health research fellowships and traineeships. I thought you might be interested in submitting a statement on this matter either directly or through this office. I remember your strong concern over federal support of basic science and research, and thought you might want to express yourself on this matter. I hope everything is going well with you and hope to see you soon. Best regards, Pa on a Kon RONALD D. ROSEN \or Legislative “eet fo 9. RDR:rm op coe Enclosure aes | | l . we i