AND COMMITTES ON Congress of the United States AND FISHERIES Bouse of Representatives Washington, B.C. 20515 February 7, 1973 Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: Yours is one of several letters I have received on the Administration's cuts in the NIH budget. Needless to say, I am hopeful that Congress will finally stand up to the executive branch and require that congressional priorities be adhered to, The President isn't just cutting Programs authorized and funded under present laws; he is saying, in effect, that he will not execute the law until Congress passes new laws. This comes thoroughly close, in my judgement, to refusing his constitutional obligation "to see that the laws are faithfully executed." Be assured that we will fight to maintain full funding for the NIH. Best regards, Gag Paul N. McCloskey, Jr.