STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ¢ (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics Dear Sarge [shrwer ( JUN 7 19/2 Thank you for sending me the Zahn article on abortion. I am im- pressed also by a forthright statement of 3 position, on the “absolute right of every fertilized ovum to develop". He faces squarely a number of issues, like the implication that even a victim of rape should be denied an abortion, that are often glossed over by other anti-abortion debaters. (But I would put these few cases in the same category as the mentally defective infants: they test the rigor of one's propositions if one demands an absolute framework. ) I do find it necessary however to bring your attention to some still further implications of his position. 4s indicated in the attached draft (and let me apologize further,its residuel polemical tone) I find it hard to reconcile "olympian silence" sbout the negligent loss of fertilized eggs (i.e. spontaneous abortions), however impaired, with the ebsolutist position that the intentional termination of similar entities (to seg In any event my mein purpose in responding to you is not an effort at persuasion about ethical theory. It is to bring some biological facts to your attention that have still to beincorporated into a self-consistent theory in defense of ova. Sincerely Joshua Lederberg LY. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE