Memo from . To: Don 8. JOSHUA LEDERBERG IRL SEP 27 1971 Stormfury Project The SRI study was funded by the Dept. of Commerce; after administrative reshuffling, the report was ultimately under NOAA ausfices. Call Warner North at SRI for knowledgeable héstory of the pxeyeekx entire effort. There is no evidence that hurricanes can be * steered; but I do not doubt that meteorological interventoons -- like watee-grabbing-- will have to be put under some system of international control. Trouble is, most people are too skeppeza skeptical that anything is happening at all to allow a serious effort at estabdishing legal controls to get under way. Which was the point of my article. *their path is supposed to be dominated by the much larger weather system. PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305