OCT 8 97 PETER H. DOMINICK COMMITTEES: COLORADO ARMED SERVICES LABOR AND PusLic WELFARE JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY SELECT COMMITTEE ON EQuAL. 2’ Cnifed Dtate Ss Denate EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY SELECT COMMITTEE ON WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 SMALL Business Oetober 4, 1°71 Dr. Joshua Lederberr Professor of Genetics Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr, Lederberg: Thank you for your letter of September 22 and the cony of your article in the Washinston Post resarding hurricane modification. I thousht the article was excellent and arree with your analysis. TI haven't seen the Stanford Research Institute report,but I have asked a mem- ber of my staff to look throuch itt. There is no question that whether to move from research into operations is essentially a political decision. So Congress must share the blame for trretrtevable opnortunities lost while a decision is nostnoned. Pailure to decide is often the enuivalent of decid- ins to take no action. Overcoming the ignorance and misinformation ahout weather modification in order to lay the hasis for a reasonable decision is a formidable problem. As far as Conmress is concerned, debate on lemisla- tion is probably as sood an approach as anv. But I don't really know how to go ahout educating the vub- lic. I do intend to continue exnressing mv views on this, though. Thanks again for sharing vour thinking with me. Best regards. Sincerely, United States Senator PHD: cwm