Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Dr B S Blumberg AUG 11 1971 ) 172) re~- Australia antigen. (24 I hope oversimplification isn't betrayal. Lots of questions keep crowding my thoughts on this-- surely yours, a £fortiori, How certain is it that the! segregating! antigen is infectious? Obviously, it would be rather sus- picious to see a recessive antigen} but is it ex- cluded that you have just this (like some Lewis- like phenomenon), and a fortuitous cross-reaction with (ferhaps even tolerance to) a khepatis virus? Do you have any views on the origin of the “class"~stratification of HAA, e.g., among paid donors? (Cf. my speculative extrapolation of your anthropological-genetic picture to the U.S. situa- tion.) Anyhow, all this is put down in a spirit of unmitégated admiration; which flattery, I hope, will not deter you from correcting any errors of fact that may be contaminating my own thinking about these problems. &incerely, i , PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305