EEE EA PRE EER ao, JOSHUA LEDERBERG Dr TC Chalmers HAA/ blood for transfusion Aug 1} 1973 Representative Veysey came by to see me in connec tion with this article, and especially the propo-~ sal,that I believe your committee favoted, for tax-deduction incentives. He particularly asked for more factual background -~ may I hand on such a task to you? And may I be on your mailing list for further policy-oriehted repowts in this area? Needless to say, I would welcome corrections on any factual errors that may have penetrated this discussion. Sincerely, . { fmf i ° j yO m tA IR NL TS aw ‘ / 5 / / * / PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305