AUG 1 2 1971 VICTOR V. VEYSEY DISTRICT OFFICES: 38TH DisTRICT, CALIFORNIA 4075 MAIN STREET, SUITE 275 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92502 TELEPHONE: (714) 682-9233 Congress of the Anited States 202 E Srnec Sure D COMMITTEES: BRAWLEY, CALIFORNIA 92227 EDUCATION AND LABOR House of Representatives Teneevon: 714) 944-3088 HOUSE ADMINISTRATION Washington, B.C. 20515 August 11, 1971 WASHINGTON, D.C, 20515 TELEPHONE: (202) 225-2305 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford Medical School Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you so much for meeting with me on the interesting subject of serum hepatitis. I sense that there may be opportunities for useful federal legislative action here, and I need your expert assistance. I will appreciate receiving from you bibliography and references on this subject together with current articles as they may come to your attention. Thank you for your help. Sincerely yours, Victor V. Ve i Member of Congress V/s