) Kadeelied = 7° 32 UNITED STATES | NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION APR i 5 1977 WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 APR 13 1977 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: This is in reply to your March 8, 1977 letter requesting information on the origins of the value of $1000 per man-rem used in Section IID of Appendix I to Part 50 of our regulations. Your indication that this value is more conservative than the value you derived and published in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists is appropriate. As indicated in the enclosed Federal Register Notice (pp. 19440-19441) which accompanied the issuance of Appendix I, the record of the Appendix I rulemaking proceeding did not provide, in the Commission's view, an adequate basis for selection of a specific dollar per man-rem value. The choice of the $1,000 per man-rem value was believed to be a conservative choice which was somewhat higher than the highest value in the literature. This value is only an interim value for use until a more appropriate estimate can be made. We are currently initiating the technical studies for estimating the health costs associated with low-level irradiation. This effort will be based upon estimates of the health costs for both somatic and genetic effects to the extent they can be determined from current bioeffects data. We would appreciate any suggestions that you might have regarding the approach that should be used for this evaluation. Harold Peterson (301-443-6900) of my staff is the task leader for this effort. I am sure that any suggestions you might have, particularly in the evaluation of effects to future generations, would be extremely helpful to us. Thank you for your comments and interest regarding the use of the dollar/man-rem criterion in our regulations. As one of the pioneers in this area, your comments are especially appreciated. We will send a separate reply to your other letter regarding the application of the dollar/man-rem value to occupational exposure. Sincerely, ‘) R. B. Minogue, Director Office of Standards Development Enclosure: 40 FR 19439