IN REPLY REFER TO; JUN 17 W71 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY (Conrracr W-7405-zNG-36) P. O. Box 1663 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 J-DOT 9 June 1971 Dr, Joshua Lederberg School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 44305 Dear Dr. Lederberg, At the "Colloquium on Benefit-Risk Relationships for Decision Making" held in Washington the end of April, Chauncey Starr read a letter from you in which you made a monetary estimate ($100, I believe) for the biological hazard of one man-rem of radiation exposure. I would very much appreciate receiving a copy of this letter so that I might reference it in a paper I am now writing. Sincerely, Harry J, Otway HJO:jt Distribution: Wm. E, Ogle, J-DO Mail and Records File AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER