gad SHA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 2 2 2f5 Rockville, Maryland 20852 JAN S 7 S79 Radiation Office Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: As you may be aware an advisory committee of the National Research Council-National Academy of Sciences is carrying out a comprehensive review of the effects of ionizing radiation upon human populations. The NRC/NAS has invited the scientific community to submit current data on the somatic, genetic and environmental effects of low-level ionizing radiation, including effects on human growth and development. It has been requested that material be provided whether or not it has been published, but work in progress that has yet to be reported is, of course, of particular interest to the NRC/NAS committee. Recently Marv Legator, recognizing my interest in this area, sent to me a copy of a report that you have prepared entitled "Cost Analysis of Genetic Diseases from Radiation; $100 per man-rad," dated December 3, 1970. In reading this it occurred to me that this report would be of particular interest to the NRC/NAS committee in its deliberations on the genetic effects of low-level ionizing radiation. Therefore, I would like to suggest that a copy of this report be made available to this advisory committee. If you agree, may I suggest that you send a copy of this report and any other information or data that you think appropriate to the Division of Medical Sciences, Attention: Dr. A.W. Hilberg, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20418. I suggest that a copy also be sent to Dr. James F. Crow, chairman of the NRC/NAS subcommittee on genetic effects. Alternatively, with your concurrence, I would be pleased to forward a copy of your report to the NRC/NAS committee. With kind regards, Sincerely yours, pisien Hons? arthur H. Wolff7* Acting Deputy Commissioner cc: Dr. Legator