she STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER ie . STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 821-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics January 14, 1971 Dear Miss Tocknell: I am glad to furnish the information that you requested. However, I am not necessarily an intransigent opponent of nuclear plant development. Carefully regulated, this may give us many adv antages over the use of fossil fuels for power. There are, I believe two important issues: 1) The regulatory standards. These are now under further study by the National Academy of Sciences. I have advocated a reduction of the standard from (approximately) a doubling of background to one-tenth that level. The AEC has repeatedly stated that this is consistent with their actual practice, and I believe that there is no economical or technological obstacle to working at that reduced level for at least another decade, a time during which some present uncertainties should be cleared up. In terms of the attached analysis, this would reduce the annual health cost from $10 per person to $1, a point at which we would then rationally focus on other hazards as more intrusive. Also, because of public sensitivities, a standard that is logically constructed as an average permitted exposure will surely be pressed to become a maximum individual tolerance, so that the actual costs will be further reduced. 2) The compliance of a given design with these standards. This is an intricate problem, and deserves as wide a range of technically informed attention as can be recruited. It is all to easy to overlook some ecosystemic concentration of a radio- active isotope that may.upset otherwise impeccable engineering calculations. One can then fairly demand full and early dis- closure of the relevant design information as an essential part of a proper “due process" to protect the environment and the public health. I cannot judge how well this has been done in your local situation. I warrant that this letter and the signed attachments reflect my best knowledge and true belief in this matter, and you may use them in their entirety. Yours sincerely, Lf, LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY BEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE