HLIVING i LLFE SAN 15 1971 A FINER ENVIRONMINY~ BOX 15, UNIVERSITY HALL BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVEROITY BOWLING GREEN, OHIO 48405 January 13, 1971 Doctor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical Center Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr, Lederberg This letter is verification of our recent telephone conversation which requested your testimony on behalf of our group in the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Licensing Review, This construction permit hearing is in the matter of the Toledo Edison Company and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Docket No. 50-36, On January 6, 1971, our group, L.I.F.E., Dr. I. Oster, Professor of Biology, B.C.S.U., and William E, Reany, graduate student at B.G.S.U., were admitted as interveners in this construction permit hearing by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. These parties were allowed only those contentions from their Petition Intervene, which concerned the inadequacy of the AEC Standards for Protection Against Radiation. Also their contentions included that the standards were not a reasonable exercise of the broad discretion given the AEC, It is hope that you can still supply us with your testimony on behalf of our group in written form as soon as possible. Also an affadavit and your scientific qualifications needed to be included also with your testimony. Thank you very much for your interest and cooperation in this matter. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions, Enclosed please find newspaper articles referring to our admittance as interveners in the hearings on Davis-Besse, and a copy of the documents and questions that we have asked of the AEC Regulatory and the Utility Companies, Sincerely yours {2 ’ RY LOA CASO LIL —~— Vicki Evans Co-Chairman = L.I.F.E. mf Enclosures