FACULTE DE MEDECINE DE STRASBOURG | . STRASBOURG, le... tof [42 ci et oa INSTITUT DE CHIMIE BIOLOGIQUE Ho Boivin deo Co Ser ba or pon 4 Ot urekblan euvan Jeo extrads De q pres prea ~ Unite ont ~aucdhe darex npn rer Reta pee Se G [Ss S ~~ * see Aw & Ci/s 3 Aon ccoees ene Genk ‘ ~ ' eeatorchenns eA Wem - Hee wee — Anes awms LAharye — “Ao r ede DIR UE Qs adda Ann Big Oe de CLR am ~ 7 Ayan AO OR SEU | ‘J ow yaks t ec, {eR Uinta . STA "a TS se OA ~*~ Kern KE qpr Tea, Karte ge ©, (Ge & Cr/5- Nana Dh enreenresr ter ® on oe eb Rat ann 2 awe pepe ie QB ate WERE ye Cy, were Ub anne Yr rate even a Reeder wantin Ge t @ Ry akhas port gps ey Rare mand : B ance [rat , Lrrtnn Lae ; a aed” Se Man. arte, oe Ot Pagan pon Rs anpert Ge Conn, Crbsrd, - Seu Re Ry os De & Varta ta, S/R Set pn) pee pees , a [pomege = E/s px / AAA Be A. inde Lr Beda pn De CS. Meds, - eA. aA Py, Lone Raw Grr Wes thre! UAaAR ( Do yap ete, Sy wrote wee } +n an ohn 8 ae ep On ar Gee Rs Saccharen. Cela lan poly, Sas Gree tpn pperphext a’ ayrant B te Stqusficoks Qe Senet de Pewee d fore fon et Ro Sacchaum Avs badffat Seo cette, Wilacgua k 2/5 te % Ci/R F Rei, AW a CRT phir AG ae yank ; Jou, fF) ete DL ee ve yeuusa © Straatey | ame Leyte > Ae amped On, Dewi" ape uw. a amon Re. Fa cw to’ Nase de tu bh Rhine CR Yok genet” Kaw ert onthe, ) | ow cpr Senet Wie Ke ee ede etree yaer eke! de das mw Q Leckear. |rat Rerrentalebp Wremtr Run — yt Tues, WR AO” Seu, Ay Qerrve cat wus ta kh Stroke, . Stat yf om Ger pre Wyrade wes Ronin ere coe Sepuse jer ah fia ke Lertbown fare Se note even Berke de oni, wre tn Be Revell. fe we ¢ toeNari on ennrant bo ws eho pckin, eh WS oechuin, yer RO pe chat Be yoo ~— tetr Ra, et et farres, — La roan Sa wee Amrrenctir , cat err’, ow Cannes Oe Copper tague . ee | | En nore’, (La SEE BO ay Le [Parc ses Ages Wranio. ste ren R8ate Ss. dante ret 9 ae ar tsigg angen cha, bs extibeaWe , yor WL preye 2.8. Ae, VA Laden | ea Hemet Cormeen cha, 2 ran in rte. ¢ a FACULTE DE MEDECINE DE STRASBOURG STRASBOURG, le. INSTITUT DE CHIMIE BIOLOGIQUE ——— niketaur exe © C, /S WRU Ae anc wench dea kif A Cr / ee esr CL/R Hruee ( et awe & C2 /R) rt Ethne'. ae fe tenes Yee ne suet te dereen Oe 2. Cele Gk pe Dae dens ak oe Se Sex Ee LK’ in Reed por opbtyar we ete ae, pide Cerner ek arte ain artnet A — a Q petting, peo we epee we CNA AP AAR Chan, Lare uae HG Fon Ahn uw LAnaaR {ache Gp Vanes tn Marts ww, Ce V2 saw a Loe te OedKe 9 UB ih en fowce hone (Fan HE 7 wer aan yea . aA we And. \eroreary ors ceyqped aA cote. qe Ox SK che, a (parrentar & SNe rte ww, | S anralte Ce wrk Qrzu, Se gprrtqys D> Luan Bonne, ore UKLA, ¢ bh Oe Quvntiemeve , Na ew , bas Sa Voth. pg EE eaters Veethaty pact Semen olor Aaa, . Ss . set Law 2Accfa, Wa arg pea, Ge, Neva, crepe nr AQ nae Le ) Pawn . 4 . ~ er LArAn OonnA erypeer Ba taniess ¢ YO for reroute Rok eo okQot hex Vehersun | So, Waa eran ten pate Rove bk sew _ | Tuarsue camdin Qe_ poe Qa ~ Vie ftuaw - Nod, Ce BOA ed, Ass yap on otinw Ge pwr Meee Grr.usss ( Rokiwew tc tid, hey by collet, (arte Sere Ge hey if - . nk Hele, R farMak eurregnr em Gente ele te: Bikey Qe Wsyary enrkxGacaia, , wan Is TE HAR (fem ete -) Sa any 5 xpos DV iplante Dan ne ech Boom | fe gate Kime bet Sa FS te Ge Sefer Ve be Qpe SI wee Romney ~~ Se de [par ~ Wwtty mr yen, Raa, arta , tet fare [por Aw Son anne, Oe A pe , yee pwr 4 rmgetin jess ne che chs . Dour ayy tN Sa wo Rha Besar — ek Se unr Ceoter , de wes Sec as Bs rer Dounr, . ro eee Under the «ction of the DRNA o f C1S, C2R (deprived of the poly- Saccharide and capable of fermenting sucrase) is transformable to C1s (containing polysaccharide and incapableof fermenting sucrose. We have tried, wy cpllaborators and myself, more than a year agp, what would be the effect of NA of CLR on living C2R. We had obtained a a strain of type R capable of fermenting sucrose only slowly (while C2R does so actively and Cl not at all.) but we hw e not been able to trensform this R strain either with WA from either Cls or Cés. Unfor- tunately, since then,albeit with different preparations of the NA of C1R we have npt been able to repeat this transformation pf CeR vigorously attacking sucrose to an R which attackso it only slowly. On the other hand, when C2S passes spontaneously to C2R, one obtains a ‘spectrum! of variantes distinguishable by the appearnace of the colonies, Only one of these C2R variants, up to now, is capable of passage to Cls by@the action of NA of Cls. But in studying, subsequently, the other (non tranformable) variamts we have found them to be tnequally active on sucrose, m6 we havefound (b; spontdeaas occurrence) one which attacks suuvrose only veru slowly. That pulls us into a quandary as to the significance of the loss of the power to ferment Sucrose under the influence of NA of C1S or C1R ! Nothing has been publishea on this point, while whiting for further experiments. My departure from the Institut Pasteur and arra&val at strasbourg, in sésponsc to the ‘appeal of obligation) made to me b. the faculty of Medicine of the Alsace (where I have worked before) has momentarily disturbed my research to 4 considerabel extent. I am encountering unusual aiffi- culties at the University. However,I mave already re-undertaken my exps. tp a certain extent and have higher hopes for resuming my work under notmal conditions,,I am informing you of my observations and comclusions by letter, while hoping to meet you this summer at the Congress at Copenhagen, In conclusion , the sole point, at this time, which appears to me to be settled beyond doubt is the rossibility of changing the antigenic type of the coli bacillnts by anh inductive principle exactly as in the pneumococci. I will add that all my attempts (they were numemwus) to carry Clr to Ces by NA from C2s (and also Cer) hase failed. Similarly, other DRNA anc RNA frother bacteriaand animal thssues have not been active on C2R or Clr. I agree that your arguments in favor of the intervention of some form of s xual phenomenon in bacteria, to explain your recent observations, harry enormous weight, and after having reflected on the. matter at length, I am all but convinved that you are right. What you heve told me in your letter of the 13th reinforces that opinion, Do you not think that one coulda find the occurrence of aome heterokaryosis such as is found in the asexual molds? I mean, in particular,the publication of Pontecorvo, Nature 154:514 1944. Parallel with the chemical studies follwoed with my collaboratory Vendrely during the last few years, :nd which contuhnues. here, on the N* of various bacterial species, I have undertaken with another coll& oratpr,Tulasne, the magnificent work of Robinow on basterial nuclei. Tulasne confirms Hobinow in eve: y detail. But, in examining the preparations of tusesne; 23 in a0 preps. ° eT a 3! a TT@ ut seft{TTtorq Tloo 944 UT sq.UsMaT quenbazrr a: UuXTM Yours use: aarpy I § / Of course, Since kka your new forms are stable, it would be necessaryv to visulaize not only a change of nuclei betweem bacteria,rut the reaction (fusion, etc..) of nuclei of different origin in the same bacterium. I am very much impressed with the interest which Prof. Vatum attaches to my work, and thank him foe the friendly regards which you have transmitted on his behalf. Would you, in return,espress to hin the great admiration which I have for his admirable researches. kwaxkingxyouk Hoping to hear from you Sovily~ and 00 uieet you this sumer in Europe, etc.. AB