WARREN G. MAGNUSON, WASH., CHAIRMAN (OHN ©. PASTORE, R.1. VANCE HARTKE, IND. PHILIP A. HART, MICH, HOWARD W. GANNON, NEV. RUSSELL B. LONG, LA. FRANK E. MOSS, UTAH ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, S.C. DANIEL K. INOUYE, HAWAII JOSEPH D, TYDINGS, MD. WILLIAM B. SPONG, JR., VA. NORRIS COTTON, N.H. HUGH SCOTT, PA. WINSTON L. PROUTY, VT. JAMES B, PEARSON, KANS. ROBERT P. GRIFFIN, MICH. HOWARD H. BAKER, JR., TENN. CHARLES E. GOODELL, N.Y. MARLOW W. COOK, KY. FREDERICK J. LORDAN, STAFF DIRECTOR Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Ledergerg: DES 6 Ry Vniled Glates Denate COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 December 2, 1970 Senator Pastore agreed to delete section 11 of S. 4141 last The bill was passed, less section 11 this afternoon. evening. Enclosed find S. 4141 and a letter sent by Senator Hart to his colleagues. When my ideas for an adversary proceeding on the biological and genetic risks of the present radiation standards get better developed, I shall contact you. Thank you for your cooperation, RHS :bmd. Sincerely s/ / e4 sf Lie of. Kya Richard i. Sandler