STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 « (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics Professor Joshua Lederberg September 22, 1971 Mr. Martin L. Gross Editor, INTELLECTUAL DIGEST 110 E. 59 Street New York NY 10002 Dear Mr. Gross-- I was pleased at the courtesy of having been telephoned by one of your staff about the reliability of the quotations attributed to me in "The Pollution of Food", which appeared in your Oct. 71 issue. I was less pleased that some misattributions still permeate the article -- for example, I made no declarations about nitrite. I hope you might be more critical in future about a style that juxtaposes: "' If you swallow any one of them straight you will probably die", fol- lowed immediately by another direct quote from me. Such writing leaves a false impression of my endorsement of the content and manner of Zwerdlins's imprecations. Of course, you are absolved of primary responsibility for such productions -- and your editorial reference to 'muckraking! may improve a reader's perspective on such writing. To fulfill my responsibility for some precision in public distributions which invoke my own scientific expertise , I would have preferred an oppor- tunity, in such an example, to state that I did not necessarily agree with the context in which quotations attributed to me were embedded. To turn to another article in that issue, you may yourself be wxikk interested in a reply that I had written elsewhere to Jim Watson's piece. rs sincerely,~ f . — 5 Lr. Josern P. KENNEDY, Jr. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MatjciNe 7 Y if dedicated to the study of mental retardation” “ U. NA ae : Molecular Biclogy Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine ~F