jung 971 OFFICE OF THE MEDFORD ASSISTANT PROVOST TUFTS UNIVERSITY MASSACHUSETTS 02155 June 4, 1971 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stamford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Dr, Lederberg: I am sure you are very busy but I should like your thoughts on a matter of regional concern in the Boston area. Like others, I have not made a complete peace with nuclear power stations. Presently it is proposed to divert some water which has been passed through a Vermont nuclear power station into a reservoir serving the eastern portion of Massachusetts. The reservoir serves over half of the Massachusetts population. I wrote to the Governor asking him to reconsider this diversion of the activated water. He in turn asked the Commissioner of Health to respond. Attached is the Commissioner's reply. Notice the inclusion of a paper by Dr. Benedict projecting the average amount of picocuries which will become available in the Quabbin Reservoir. The plant is not yet built. Obviously I am concerned because it represents another avenue of additional radio- activity coming into humans. The question is not that it is "safe" as some of the AEC adherents claim here but how much harm will something like this cause. Frankly I do not know how to proceed from avail- able radiation in water to the potential genetic harm. I wonder if you know of relevant research on this matter or of comparable data from a nuclear power situation which we can rely upon. Obviously I would most welcome whatever thoughts you have on the issue. Dr. Joshua Lederberg -2- June 4, 1971 I am now on enough Federal and State commissions to make any counter arguments felt but I wish to have the best information available. I understand from a friend that you published an article in the Washington Post some weeks ago concerning nuclear power and heredity. father than pass on his interpretation of the report, I would ask if you have a photocopy of it. I should appreciate it very much. B heal ack B, Bresler, Ph.D. JBB/mee Att.