Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Dr J J Cohen wy 2 ion EPA radiation standards. It seems to me that the "standards" are rapidly becoming irrelevant to the realities of regulations concerning evident uses of nuclear energy-- to the point™:that biologists have Little more to contribute. In so far as "as low as practicable" in fact becomes a small part of the fluctuations in natural background (And I believe we are plaihly headed that way now), the focus of our attention ought to be the tradeféffs in a) medical uses of radiation, and b) population-siting considerations I may be wrong, but I am confident that the "present standards" will be a moot question long before Nov. 4. Thank you for the invitation; I don$t think I can make the meeting (even to expound the position just stated). PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305