may 24 17t UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LAWRENCE RADIATION LABORATORY TELEPHONE (415) 447-1100 P.O. BOX 808 . TELEX 34-6407 AEC LRL LYMR LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA 94550 TWX 910-386-8339 AEC LRL LVMR May 20, 1971 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: The midyear topical symposium of the Health Physics Society is to be held at Richland, Washington, November 2 - 5, This year's topic is entitled "Radiation Protection Standards: Quo Vadis?". As part of the symposium, I have been requested to help arrange a session on "Benefit- Risk Considerations in Standards Setting". This session is tentatively scheduled for November 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We would greatly appreciate your presenting a paper at this session. As a guide for keeping the presentation in line with the theme of the session, I suggest the subject matter be selected from among the fol- lowing categories: 1. Discussion of the intent of provision in the present standards (FRC, ICRP, and/or NCRP) where benefit-risk balance is implied. What calculus is suggested for determination of whether low dose exposures are justified by given degrees of benefit? How does one define "practicable" as in the statement "Doses should be kept as low as practicable"? 2. Discussion of the viewpoint that present standards or portions thereof are too dangerous, and not justified on the basis of probable benefit. 3. Proposals and discussion of definitive benefit-risk analysis in setting radiation standards and/or guidelines. I am enclosing a guide and forms for abstracts. Abstracts for this session will be due by June 15. Unfortunately, the symposium has no funds to cover speakers' expenses. I believe your participation would prove to be a rewarding experience for yourself as well as a great asset for the symposium. I would be happy to provide any further information I can. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. Sincerely yours, pa) Ct Jerry J. Cohen JJCstd Enc.