May 12, 1971 Dr. Marvin A. Schneiderman Associate Scientific Director for Demography (Acting) Mational Cancer Institute Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Dear Dr. Schneiderman, Thank you for your comments of May 6th about ay piece in the Washington Post, May 2. Needleas to say, it was hardly feasibie to develop a detailed quantitative srgument in that vehicle. Gf course I agree with you that one must calculate differential rather than integral costs in assessing the risks of incwemesehi << radiation exposure, We also have to conaider many other sore complicated interactions « is the fraction of the pepulation that will receive the highest exposures likely to be biased towarde higher or lowex vulnerability to radiation on account of other genetic and environmentel factors? However, if nuclear energy is in fact going to be kept within a 1 millirad average limit a large part of the recent debate should evaporate, If we are going to be concerned about 1 millirad increments there are obviously many more cogent targets for that concern. There still remain all the other problems of safeguard against major catastrophies which I do not feel very competent to judge. and, of course, besides the problem of populationsal hazarda there must also be standards for individual exposure + we could hardly justify involuntary riske vithout compensation, However, as I tried to bring out with my example of the "10 millirad householder” there are levels of risk which remain socially important although individually inconsequential. A great deal of wy thinking on the question can be suamarized with the surmise that the differential cost of radiation is about $100 per man-rad. If you think this is low by a fector of 10 it still would not particularly alter our policy conclusions. If it under- estimates the eee@ cost by a factor of 100, about which I would be ekeptical, we would have to start thinking about shielding ourselves from the natural background, altitude effects, and alike. I do not see that the calculated differences between integral and differentiel costa could matter anything like a factor of 10. q n Cede \ Dr. Marvin A. Schneiderman ~2- 5/12/71 I would certainly agree that “unnecessary diagnostic radiation" is the most relevant target fér our concern at the present time, I am not sure that we have a clear picture of the individual and social benefits of most of that radiation,of the kind that we would need to have to label it as “unnecessary”. Certainly this needs to be looked into very carfully, I would very strongly support stringent regulations on that kind of radiation exposure which is un- necessary insofar as it is a byproduct of technical stinginess and makes no contribution whatever to the diagnostic process, Suggested regulations requiring x-ray machines to be equipped with field-defining devices whould have a very high prftority and would be very easy to justify on the basis of the $100 per man-rad criterion, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics IL/rr