Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG R S Lewis B.A.S. pec 21 670 Radiation standards discussion Yes, I think this is imperative; and BAS is the logical vehicle. I will be glad to contribute. It's time I gakxx clarified my position. You may see from the enclosed why I've been getting it from both sides. You. might help me by suggesting what part of ¢he background of these drafts will be covered by others. I would prefer it if I could count on having the radiobiological context already laid out, so that I could concentrate on the policy confrontations-- cost-benefit analysis justofication for an economic appreech significance of population vs. indovidual standards and risks. cost of ignorance The enclosures may enlarge our dialogue; I hope to do much better in the final piece-- these are all rather fragmentary in their outlook. KAKKKEKE my thanks for picking up the SALT article. I understand the Post's problem; but it did generate a big one for me. — K (x) PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG ~ Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305