WILLIAMS, WITTEN, CARTER & DOLLARD ATTORNEYS JOHN H. WILLIAMS, II R. MARSHALL WITTEN HARVEY D. CARTER, JR. ELIZABETH K. DOLLARD GARY RANDALL BROWN September Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stamford University School of Medicine Stamford, California 94305 Dear Doctor Lederberg: y ae bk 115 ELM STREET BENNINGTON, VT. 05201 802-442-8111 16, 1970 We acknowledge with appreciation receipt of your affidavit dated September 8. It arrived in proper form and in plenty of time for introduction into evidence in the Public Service Board procedings. On behalf of Ed Bloustein and myself and our clients, I want to thank you very much for your courtesy in meeting with us on short notice and for your willingness to assist us with the affidavit. I am enclosing herewith copies of some of the news articles detailing the hearing. They are, more or less, accurate, and I thought you would like to see them. We will, of course, keep you posted on developments in the case. Again, many thanks for your courtesies anc your help. Sincerely yours, Het Ca-ev- Harvey D. cheer, Jr. pdw enclosures