Memo from | To: miss Mary D. Wills JOSHUA LEDED BERG MAY 17 1971 Human toxicity of defoliants ~ am somewhat mystified why Mr. Conrad lumps me with Meselson and Sidel, as IT have taken 4 rather different position on defoliants, and in any case do not pretend to have authoritative information about them. It ts clear that some batches of 2,4,5-T were contamhnated with dioxins, and that the Latter played an important part in fetal damage in the experiments conducted by the Bionetics res. labs. Later experiments have given confliciting results on the question of damage from 1) chemical ly purified samples of 945-T, and 2) samples typi- cal of general commercial output. 1 do not know what is being used in Vietnam; tn the Light of all these uncertainties, it would certainly be prudent (as eth military authorities have done) to Limit the use of these chemicals in any circumstances where they maz might enter the food chain. On the whole, 1 would consider these sideseffects to be relatively unimportant compared to the direct effects of f irepower- Dr. Meselson has been much more deeply involved in the study of defoliants, and I suggest that you ‘ write him directly at the Dept. of Biology, Harvard University. Sincerely, cc: Mr. Conrad PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics Schoo! of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305