APR 1 2 1971 J. W. FULBRIGHT, ARK., CHAIRMAN JOHN SPARKMAN, ALA. GEORGE D. AIKEN, VT. MIKE MANSFIELD, MONT. KARL E. MUNDT, S. DAK. FRANK CHURCH, IDAHO CLIFFORD P. CASE, NJ. STUART SYMINGTON, MQ. JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, KY. CLAIBORNE PELL, R.!. GALE w. Mc GEE, Wyo. WucH scorn, pa. Wnited DStates Henate EDMUND 5S. MUSKIE, MAINE JAMES B. PEARSON, KANS. WILLIAM B. SPONG, JR., VA. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS CARL MARCY, CHIEF OF STAFF ARTHUR M. KUHL, CHIEF CLERK WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 April 8, 1971 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: Thank you for your letter of March 16 enclosing a copy of your article for the Washington Post. Your suggestion regarding a way of handling tear gas and herbicides in the ratification process is a very interesting one. When the Committee addresses itself to this question I intend to explore it further. In the meanwhile I would like to ask whether you would have any objection to my including your letter, excluding paragraphs three and four, in the record of our hearings. It was already my intention to include your article as it appeared in the Post, but I would like also to include the letter because of the specific suggestion which it contains. It was good of you to give the Committee the benefit of your views on this subject. Sincerely yours, a ~ Leys an ? Ses ger aff I" J. W. Fulbright Chairman