Ny “ . i¢ a . cae Memo from | To: Ambassador va)! JOSHUA LEDERBERG ACDA Py PAR 1S 197] i Geneve, Protocols sERK See marked sections attacl Imwishfully thinking the White House might even be holding some step like the one advocated up its sleeve. It would make sense to abrogate non~lethals iff the rest of the world does with equal formality. (I'm not oblivéous that counter. _ insurgency does get a special advantage from non-lethals, in principle ; but it doesn't seem to work out that way in practice.) Getting non-lethals into the Protocol in a for- mal way should strengthen your hand in arguing that chemical weapons cannot be dealt with in simple, global fashion like biologicals. All the best, —_ PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG \ Department of Genetics : + of > School of Medicine “L cl J Stanford University Poe Stanford, California 94305