Chairman Paul Calabresi, M.D. Executive Secretary Mrs. Barbara S, Bynum Board Members Frederick F. Becker, M.D. Erwin Bettinghaus, Ph.D. David G. Bragg, M.D. Ms. Zora Brown Kenneth Chan, Ph.D. John R. Durant, M.D. Bernard Fisher, M.D. Phillip Frost, M.D. Mrs. Brenda L. Johnson Walter Lawrence, Jr., M.D. Mrs. Marlene A. Malek Deborah K. Mayer, R.N. Mrs. Irene S. Pollin Sidney Salmon, M.D. Howard M. Temin, Ph.D. Samuel Wells, Jr., M.D. National Cancer Advisory Board 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Tel (301) 496-5147 Fax (301) 402-0062 October 31, 1991 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Rockfeller University Box 400 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: On behalf of the National Cancer Advisory Board, I am pleased to give you advance notice of the Twentieth Anniversary Symposium commemorating the signing of the National Cancer Act. You will soon receive a formal invitation from the Chairman of the National Cancer Advisory Board and the Director of the National Cancer Institute requesting your attendance. The National Cancer Advisory Board felt that it would be appropriate to hold this commemorative activity in conjunction with its winter meeting and we have therefore arranged to have the Symposium occupy the full second day of the Board meeting, Tuesday, November 26, 1991. The proceedings will begin at 8:00 a.m. in the Masur Auditorium of the Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Center (Building 10) here at the National Institutes of Health. An agenda and a logistics information sheet are enclosed. Should you require accommodations, please note that in order to take advantage of the special rate offerred by the Hyatt Regency Bethesda, a reservation for lodgings must be made no later than November 14th. We do hope that you will be able to attend. The members of the Board, as well as staff of the National Cancer Institute, look forward to sharing this milestone event with you. Sincerely yours, Barbara ¥ Bynum Executive Secretary ONAL CER INSTITUTE Enclosure