SUN 10 1971 Aan Landers Pablishera:- Hall Syndicate rn a June 7, 1971 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 93405 Dear Josh: Thanks for sending me a copy of your "Dear Alan, Dear Gaylord" mail. Why don't you let your friends know when you are switching signals? One of the reasons I took the position in support of S~34 was because YOU were supporting it. I have heard from everybody --- including Elliot Richardson. My position, however, is unchanged. When I see our government spending billions in Viet Nam it seems that ANY expenditure for medical research is a very good thing. Nixon's announce- ment that the $100 million would be spent within the framework of the N.I.H. is all right, too, so long as he keeps his word and sees to it that it is independently budgeted and directly under his super- vision. In all candor, however, I must tell you I do not have much faith in Nixon's promises. He is awfully good at sleight-of-hand tricks --- moving things around (he calls it "reorganization"). He also knows how to skillfully hold back money that Congress has authorized for spending. All the senators are mad at me because my column generated so much mail. Their staffs threatened to quit en masse. Many of my friends in medicine are mad at me because they don't want to see a sep- arate Cancer Authority. My pals in medical education are mad at me because they think I am trying to dis- mantle the N.I.H. And now THIS from YOU ---- I think I'll just kill myself. Warm regards, oe” EFL/sk