STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 226¢ STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 # (415) 321-1200 StaNrornp Univrrsiry SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Cenetics Honorable Gaylord Nelson and Yonorable Alan Cranston Committee on Labor and Public Welfare United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 321-1200 USTANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Depurtment of Genetics Professor Joshua Lederberg JUN 9 971 Mr. Benno Schmidt New York Dear Mr. Schmidt: I am sorry I have not been able to remain in closer touch with the development of the new Cancer programs, to which you have given so much effort, and with such constructive results. Having gone so far, we may now find that we differ on the formulation of the best ways to carry the opportunity further; but I realize that this problem exists only as a tes- timonial to the remarkable advances so far. In response to an urgent request from Senator Nelson's office, I drafted the enclosed letter which summarizes my views at the present time. I hope that Mr. Quinn had forwarded some of my previous statements, as I had asked him to do. Yours sincerely, Lr. Josypa P. Kennevy, Jr. LAnoratorixs FoR MOLECULAR MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation