Or INSTITUTE » NUTRITION UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA May 23, 1971 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I wish to extend the thanks of the Public Affairs Committee of the Federation of Societies for Experimental Biology for your agreeing to submit a statement to the Senate Sub-Committee on Health in the matter of the hearings on S. 1828, the Administration's Bill on cancer now scheduled for June 3rd, 1971. As I mentioned to you on the phone, the Federation position will be to endorse the removal of the entire NIH from HEW to the status of an independent agency, and under the NIH system of research governance, to infuse new monies for cancer research, and to raise the conquest of cancer to a national priority. In order to offset the center of gravity effected by the Administration's shift to a position so very close to S. 34 I do not think that I will refer to the Administration's Bill even as my second choice. When I have prepared a draft position paper for circulation to the Committee of Public Affairs I will send you a copy, and I would appreciate in return receiving a copy of the statement you submit to the Senate Sub-Committee on Health. Faithfully yours, Howard A. Schneider, Ph.D. Director HAS/ps encl. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR «+ CHAPEL HILL, N. C. 27514 « 919/966-1094