May 3, 1971 Mr. Elliott Richardson Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare 330 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 29201 Dear Secretary Richardson: I have discussed with my editors the possibility of print- ing your letter in ny column. They are opposed to the idea on the grounds that my column then becomes a political forum. On April 29th, the Ann Landers colwan was most unusual. I departed from the regular format and I would like to tell you why. Before I went on the line for S-34%, I did 4 great deal of s ye 2 on ” . 7 ss investigating, consulting and soul-searchin e Re 3 . I serve con sources and Development Cosalbtties Tou Harvard “Medical Sonos, so you can see I have many good friends on the other side. My decision to back S-34 was predicated on the belief that our govermient's priorities for spending (120 billion for Viet Nam) reflects neither the wishes nor the best interest of the American people. e a S the A.M.A. Advisory Committee and on th Why cancer? Because cancer has sex appeal. People relate to it. Me. Nixon thought so, too, which is why he offered 100 million dollers “to conquer cancer." TI believe a mighty offensive, patterned after N.A.S.A. just might produce the miracle. We would not have put 4 man on the moon had Russia not seared us to death in 1957 with Sputnik. We would probably still be fooling around with the Federal Aviation Agency. I saw here an opportunity to alert my 54 million daily readers and avail them of the opportunity to express themselves. Why not use the existing machinery, the N.I.H. and The Cancer Institute? Because the existing set-ups are a jungle of red tape through which a good many dedicated people have tried to hack a path and finally gave up -- exhausted, and frustrated. Mr. Elliott Richardson -2- May 3, 1971 The key question is not, however, whether Cancer Research should be done by the N.I.H. or A National Cancer Authority, but that there be a realisnment of sovernment spending -- that health and medical research not be given the scraps off the table while the military gets gourmet meals. The Naticnal Cancer Authority provides the opportunity for an all-out fresh. new massive assault on a killer disease. And since all canecr research is based on molecular biology, scientists everywhere are bound to benefit. I apoloeize for the leneth of this letter. No one snouid have to read a letter this long. But as Pascal said, "I did not have tine to urite a short letter, so I wrote a long one." Sincerely, AL: vk