12606 Mentelair Drive Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 Feb. 22, 1971 Dr, Jeshua Ledergerg Scheel ef Medicine Stanferd University Stanferd, Califernia 94,305 Dear Dr. Lederbersr: T read with interest your article cencerning cancer in the Feb. ljtk issue of the Washington Pest. T kave lene been cencerned by what I suspeet misht be a sin of omission in cancer researéh. An increasing number of investigaters (see attached references ) believe that there may be more te cancer than meets the micrescepe; namely, that psycheolegical facters may play a significant part in contributing te cancer in humans, I weuld be glad te share with yeu, upen yeur re- quest, the results ef a search ef the cancer literature whieh I made in the spring of 1970 in connection with a research prepesal en the subject ef the relationship ef peycholegical facters te cancer. (This was dene fer the research requirement in a Scheel ef Social Werk, where I am a student.) Respectfully, ye ’ apo r cope ou V uy be Phyllis Begen (Mrs. Wn.) enc. References Abrams, R.D. & Fimesinger, J.EF. 1953 Guilt reactiens in patients with cancer. Cancer 6: 474-482 Geagerelli, J.A. & Kirkmwer, F.J., editers, The Paychelegical Variables in Human Cancer. Berkeley and Les Angeles: University ef Califernia Prass. 1954. ‘enminger, Karl. A Psychiatrist's Werld (Selected Papers) New Yerk: The Viking Press. 1959. pee New Yerk Academy of Sciences, Annals ef. "Conference on Psychephysielegical Aspects ef Cancer" 1965-66. (especially the papers by the fellewing: Baknsen and Sahnson Greene, Wm, Grinker, Rey Kissen, David LeShan, Lawrence)