{FEB 25 97 Lela M. Weaver 10605 Jackson Ave. South Gate, Calif. 90280 February 22, 1971 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: there are many causes of cancer but they all revert to alterations in body chemistry. Just as the crown gall disease of the plant is the result of the poisons injected by the sting of an insect, so the cancer in the human body may well ve caused by the accumulation of poisons resulting from the use of alcohol and drugs being studied as a possible cause of cancer. the natural body possesses preventive and curative powers unequaled by anything that can ever be formulated in the science of medicine. A body saturated with alcohol or drugs is not capable of assimilating the proper nutrients required for the growth of the cell and therefor impairs all bodily functions, including that of the glandular system. It is a disgrace to the inteligence of the human race that alcohol, nicotine, caffein and other drugs have gotten such a hold on the life of man, for with their increasing use there has been a steady increase in cancer, heart and mental conditions, as well as other disease. hese things are being taken too much for granted and are standing in the way of progress. Perhaps the technical or scientific proof may never be found because of all the complications involved, but the evidence is so great that it should not be necessary to spend valuable time and money in further research along this line. Doctors do not treat these conditions day after day without arriving at conclusions as to the reason for their being. Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood, early in the 17th century, should have kindled the spark which would have enlightened the world as to the importance of the chemical balance and constituents of this life giving agent. It is incredible that so little has been accomplished along this line since that time. Scientists of the past have agreed that when the causes of cancer were found that no doubt it would prove to be something so simple that they would wonder how it had been so overlooked. A new approach is needed and the elimination of the factors that are responsible for the alterations in the body chemistry would be well worth the try. Good nutrition with plenty of water, fresh air and sunshine can be the cure as well as the preventive. ijhen this correlation is recognized and applied as eventually it will be, then progress such as the world has never known will be made in conquering all of the ills of mankind, be they genetic, embryonic, hormonal or otherwise. Sincerely yours , Lela M. Weaver