Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Mr. Paul BE. Conroy Managing Editor FEB 17 1971 San Jose Mercury-News 750 Ridder Pk. Drive Re: my column (Science & Man) GS } 3] I have been pleased to note that you have been picking this up during the last few months. Since Santa Clara Cty. may have the highest concentration of xexinixnkk technically trained and interested readers in the country, this kind of material should, indeed, have a worthwhile fol- lowing. kxank Many of my friends at Stanford have been com- plaining (to me!) that the S.F. Chrozicle was no longer carrying my articles, since I switched to the monthly format. If you have formed a reason- ably firm policy about using them as they appear on the Washington Post wire-service, would you let me know so that I can pass this on locally? I might also be able to give you a few more days lead time before release dates by sending you duplicate copy direct. I realize that you may not be able to answer my question; and that in any case you have tozallow for conflicts and decisions on particular dates. You will also understand my own particular inter- est in the availability of these articles in a local market that can give me the best critical feedback. Yours sincerely, PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG | X Department of Genetics Lf School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 D