WILLIAM F. HAACK Mech. Eng. Cal. #9750 1576 Hedding St. San Jose, Calif. Feb. 15, 1971 Dr. Loshua Lederberg, Prof. of Genetics, Stanford University, Palo Alito, Calif. Dear Dr. Lederberg: I just read your article, entitled "That Cure Cancer Crusade Could Backfire", which appeared in the Sunday San Jose Mercury on Feb. 14, 1971. I want to commend you on the bold treatment of this subject. I think you have given the subject of "cancer" a very understand- ing analysis due to the fact that you have brought up the question of "prevention" with more prominence than I have noticed in other public media. Prevention is the approach that must be practiced instead of expecting a cure from drugs which are foreign to the needs of body nutrition. Prevention is a natural process and somehow all offic- ials, who have a position in government, which involves control of health matters, should be alerted to the fallacy of spending millions for cures by drugs and instead concentrate time and money on the development of prevention methods. In connection with preventive measures, I herewith enclose a recent article that I wrote about Oxygen-Therapy, which has a bear- ing on cancer prevention. I am assuming that this may be of inter- est to you. I am also enclosing a copy of an article, written by Eugene Blass, the founder of Oxygen-Therapy, Inc., which he wrote more than 25 years ago, on the subject of keeping the body healthy and free of pollutions. His remarks still hold true. I will be glad to answer any further questions, regarding the Eugene Blass Oxygen Therapy, known as Macalozone, in case you are interested in this method of prevention of illness. For some time I have been putting forth effort to publicize Mcalozone, without compensation, pursuing it purely on a humanitarium basis, believ- ing many people could be helped with this method. For your infor- mation, Macalozone has been produced since 1922. Please see the en- closed green sheet. About 1,000 of these were handed out recently at the National Health Federation Convention, held in the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles on Jan. 14-17,th. Maealozone has not been popu- lar with the medical profession, because it Khelps keep pepple well, and so has only been passed along by word of mouth. Wee. yours, a WFH/msi Z CM cients < heuck Pye Encl. - 3 “—? ;