Memo from .... . Yo: Hon. John L McLellan JOSHUA LEDERBERG yg, Senate JAN 28 1971 JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET Dear Benator McLellan-- I wonder whether you can retain much hope or interest in this question; I was fascinated by the long and worthy struggle you kept up during the last decade. There is a brief allusion to it in the attached article, which deals with the very closely connected subject of "TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT". The remarks most im- mediately pertinent to a unified budget were unfortunately deleted (editorially); so I also enclose the original typescript. Are any copies still available of the hearings and reports of your subcommittee? I have in mind, especially, Sen Doc 11 (87Cong-1) "Financial Management in the Federal Govt." Any other related materials would also be most welcome. Yours cordially, PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG oo, Department of Genetics Lb a7 School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 TECUNOLOGY ASSESSMENT OM i he Washington Post . SUNDAY Jan. 24, 1971 wr or » of commitment ta Solve our urban logical policies in directions that are the Post Piece, and Pick up again a red herring: the Protection of life, Tegardless 1 contract, The Person's Perception of SOcial support of his léfe and health binds him to the Soclety ~. if you like is the Préce of the bribe to keep him socialized, and allow the community to Pursue its other aims in a tranquil social order, Mi shan has, I think,