crt 7 = 7 ‘ oO oO MALCOLM S. M. WarTTs. m.D., Editor a IL QCIrmImMmie LLOYD H. SMITH, JR. M.D. Associate Editor ROBERT F. EXWARDS. Managing Editor MELVIN B. TYLER. Business Manager | | 693 SUTTER STREET » SAN FRANCISCO 94102 ~~ AREA Cope 415 776-9400 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CALIFORNIA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OCT 14 1970 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, Ca. 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Attached are proofs of a symposium on Man, Medicine and Ecology which will appear in the November issue of California Medicine. This is the first time that a general professional medical journal has been devoted to this subject and promises to be something of a landmark in medical publications, as well as -- we hope -- a service to physicians, We believe that pertinent comments on this symposium may prove of equal value to the journal's readers. I am hoping that you will have the time and interest to let us have your thoughts on the article by Dr. Garrett Hardin, "Everybody's Guilty -- The Ecological Dilemma," and on the article by Dr. Kingsley Davis, "The Climax of Population Growth -- Past and Future Perspective."' Our space is quite flexible, and anywhere between 300 and 600 words would be excellent, We plan to devote a good part of the December issue of California Medicine to this subject. Our deadline is October 26, Thank you very much for your interest in this matter. I will hope to hear from you soon, Cordially, E byes oP a 1 - fx he. Edgar Wayburn, M.D, Guest Editor EW/ js Enc. P.S. Would you please supply your correct academic degree and identification as you would wish it to appear with your published signature.