Fred Kaplan [stamped, SEP -- 5 1985] Wizards of Armageddon First -- may I take the occasion to thank you for a most useful and provocative work of historical scholarship. Then -- Can you help me on a detail. I have long been intrigued by the motives that led to the Cuban missile crisis. One key would be that Gilpatric's speech of 10/21/61 was calling Khrushchev's bluff even more than we realized: viz that Soviet ICBM capability was close to zero. In that context, IRBM's in Cuba would greatly add to the Soviet's deterrence. For that reason, your recitation of the 1960-1961 NIE's and SNIE's was of very great interest; and I have just now read the 6/61 estimate with [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] S220 great fascination. I have not however been able to identify or locate the 9/6/61 SNIE to which you refer, (and therefore not the codeword annex that imputes just 4 SS-6's.) I have no problem with access; so it would be very helpful to me if you could identify this document in more precise detail. If so, I would appreciate that very much. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg