Dr Eugene Rabinowitch Editor, Bulletin 935 E. 60 Street Chicago Ill. 60637 of Atomic Scientists ' Memo from To: Eugene Rabinowitch JOSHUA LEDERBERG B.A.S. prc 15 9 article on arms control This piece may be somewhat elementary for your readership; but it was so dismembered as it appeared in the Washington Post that I am particularly anxious for a vehicle for the correct expression of my views. rf Would you consdier it for the Bulletin with the footnote that "an abridged version of this article, with-some confusing emendations, ap- peared in the Washington Post"? Also, a footnote and a reference: The interpretation of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis is borne out by Roger Hilsman's account of its background in ''To Move a Nation", pp. 163-164. Szilard,Leo 1961 The Mined Cities. Bull. Atom. Sci. 17: 407-412 (aul Gobo PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG (O Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305