THOMAS E. MORGAN, PA., CHAIRMAN CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI, WIS. WAYNE L. HAYS, OHIO L, H. FOUNTAIN, N.C, DANTE B. FASCELL, FLA. LEONARD FARBSTEIN, N.Y. CHARLES C, DIGGS, JR., MICH. WILLIAM T. MURPHY, ILL. CORNELIUS &. GALLAGHER, N.J. ROBERT N. C. NIX, PA. JOHN S. MONAGAN, CONN, DONALD M. FRASER, MINN. BENJAMIN S, ROSENTHAL, N.Y. EDWARD R. ROYBAL, CALIF. JOHN C. CULVER, IOWA LEE H. HAMILTON, IND. JOHN V. TUNNEY, CALIF. ABRAHAM KAZEN, JR., TEX, LESTER L. WOLFF, N.Y. JONATHAN B. BINGHAM, N.Y. GUS YATRON, PA, BOYD CRAWFORD, STAFF ADMINISTRATOR DEC 4 «1970 E. ROSS ADAIR, IND. WILLIAM S. MAILLIARD, CALIF. PETER H. B. FRELINGHUYSEN, N.J. WILLIAM S. BROOMFIELD, MICH, J. IRVING WHALLEY, PA. H. R. GROSS, IOWA E. ¥. BERRY, S. DAK. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI, ILL. F. BRADFORD MORSE, MASS. VERNON W. THOMSON, WIS. JAMES G. FULTON, PA. PAUL FINDLEY, ILL. JOHN BUCHANAN, ALA, Congress of the United States Conunittee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives Washington, B.C. 20515 November 30, 1970 ROBERT TAFT, JR., OHIO SHERMAN LLOYD, UTAH J. HERBERT BURKE, FLA. WILLIAM V, ROTH, JR., DEL. ROY J. BULLOCK, SENIOR STAFF CONSULTANT Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Doctor Lederberg: Your letter of October 29 arrived while I was out of the country and was waiting for me when I returned. I appreciate hearing from you and thank you for sending me a copy of your article on SALT, which I had already seen in its "mutilated" form in the Washington Post. In order to be of some possible assistance, I have forwarded the article and a copy of your letter to Congressman Fraser, a member of the House Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments for his consideration as an insert in the Congressional Record. If the article does appear, I will be sure that you are sent copies. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Gh fy A-1, . 2 ct Maem John H. Sullivan, Staff Consultant. JHSsn