STAN7ORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 « (415) 321-1200 { f STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Depariment of Genetics OCT 29 1776 Mr, John Sullivan Staff Consultant Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives Washington, ).C., 20515 Dear Mr. Sullivan: May I again express my appreciation to Congressman Zablocki and yourself for taking the interest you did in placing my article on biological warfare in the Congressional Record of Sept. 11. You may already have seen the enclosed piece on SALT, which ap- peared in somewhat mutilated form (through noone's malice) in the Washington Post for Oct. 25. I realize it is somewhat presumptuous of me to press for a similar favor again, but I do so in the belief that you may share much of the point of view that I express therein. Obviously, I am also motivated by a desire to have my views more ful- ly and accurately expressed on the record. Finally, I also believe it is important to communicate,both to our own administration and to the Soviets, a point of view about arms control that is by no-means softminded, but which sees the absolute necessity of finding durable and mutually reassuring agreements as a condition of global survival. I also realize what a poor time an election recess is to bring up this suggestion; but I will be all the more appreciative for your good offices in the matter. Yours cordially, LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY . HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE